Carrie Copley

Computer Science  ·  K-5 Computer Science Teacher

Computer Lab Room 202



Carrie Copley

Computer Science  ·  K-5 Computer Science Teacher

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About Me

I started my experience with Lincoln Public Schools many years ago as a kindergartener at Lakeview Elementary. I grew up attending Lincoln Public Schools and now I'm proud to be teaching in the Lincoln Public Schools. I have been teaching at Cavett Elementary since August, 1995....the very first year Cavett was open. I was hired on the afternoon of the day Open House was to be held for the new school year. What a whirlwind that year was! I taught third grade for the first eleven years I was at Cavett. The next five years I spent teaching second grade. After teaching second grade, I moved to the Computer Science Specialist position and continue to enjoy sharing my love of all things technology with the students at Cavett. 

I graduated from the University of Nebraska-LIncoln with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Elementary Education and later completed a Master's of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

Professional Experience

I graduated from the University of Nebraska-LIncoln with my Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education.  I completed my Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.