Claudia Perales-Garcia

ELL Teacher

Culler Middle School Room 127

(402) 436-1210


Claudia Perales-Garcia

ELL Teacher

Additional Teacher and Classroom Information may be viewed by logging into Parent/StudentVue

Classroom Information
About Me

 Period 1: Plan 

Period 2: Developing Reading coteaching w/ Mr. Shanahan Rm. 127

Period 3: Developing Reading coteaching w/ Mr. Shanahan   Rm. 127 

Period 4: Plan 

Period 5: Developing Writing 

Period 6: 7th Grade English coteaching w/ Mrs. Kokrda

Period 7: Developing Writing 

Hello! My name is Claudia Perales-Garcia. I am from Lexington, Nebraska and graduated from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in May 2018. I am a ELL teacher at Culler Middel School. I currently teach Level 2 Developing students.