Professional Experience
Teaching Experiece
Teacher at Don Sherrill Education Center- 2014-2016
Teacher at Nuernberger Education Center- 2016- present
Additional Teacher and Classroom Information may be viewed by logging into Parent/StudentVue
English 8 (Non-Pilot Schools)
Course Description:
English 8 continues to build students’ skills in writing and reading. Writing instruction focuses on expository writing including a character analysis essay. Ongoing instruction in standard English conventions parallels the writing assignments emphasizing practical application of these skills. Reading instruction focuses on vocabulary acquisition, building comprehension skills, and mastering the elements of non-fiction. Additional units include a study of the Holocaust, literary analysis, and readings in civil rights and immigration. A review of elements of fiction, research process, and oral presentation also takes place. Independent reading expectations throughout the year reinforce reading skills. Eighth Grade Nebraska State Language Arts Standards are assessed through coursework, District Common Assessments in Elements of Nonfiction, the character analysis essay, and the NeSA-ELA.
Units of Study:
· Review of Elements of Fiction
· Elements of Nonfiction
· Literary and Character Analysis
· The Holocaust
· Research Process/Oral Presentation Unit
· Civil Rights/Immigration
· Elements of Literature, Second Course (Holt, Rinehart and Winston)
· Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
· In the Line of Duty (McGraw Hill Education)
· Voices of the Holocaust (Perfection Learning)
· Island on Bird Street by Uri Orlev
District Course Assessments (DCAs):
· Elements of Nonfiction
· Character Analysis Essay
Formative and Summative Grading:
Formative Assessment
· A process
· During instruction
· Carried out by both teachers and students
· Results used by both teachers and students to adjust teaching and learning strategies
· Assessment for learning
Summative Assessment
· A single measurement
· At the end of instruction
· Designed and conducted by teachers
· Results used by teachers to evaluate student performance
· Assessment of learning
English 7
Course Description:
English 7 builds students’ skills in writing and reading with an increased focus on nonfiction. Writing instruction reviews the narrative mode and continues to build academic writing skills with the argumentation essay, expository essay, character analysis, and text-dependent analysis. Ongoing instruction in standard English conventions parallels the writing assignments, emphasizing practical application of these skills. Reading instruction focuses on vocabulary development and building comprehension and close reading skills, as applied to short texts as well as novel studies. Each unit in reading is designed with a gradual release approach, starting with whole-group instruction, moving toward small-group learning, and concluding with students independently reading and applying reading strategies. Seventh Grade Nebraska State Language Arts Standards are assessed through coursework, District Common Assessments, and the NeSA-ELA.
Units of Study:
· Quarter 1: Generations (Essential Question: What can one generation learn from another?)
· Quarter 2: A Starry Home (Essential Question: What is our motivation for space exploration?)
· Quarter 3: Facing Adversity (Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles?)
· Quarter 4: Turning Points (Essential Question: What can cause a sudden change in someone's life?)
· myPerspectives (Pearson)
· Becoming Naomi León, Pam Muñoz Ryan
· Ghost, Jason Reynolds
· Other novels, TBD
Formative and Summative Grading:
Formative Assessment
· Process
· During instruction
· Carried out by both teachers and students
· Results used by both teachers and students to adjust teaching and learning strategies
· Assessment for learning
Summative Assessment
· A single measurement
· At the end of instruction
· Designed and conducted by teachers
· Results used by teachers to evaluate student performance
· Assessment of learning
District Common Assessments (DCAs):
· Narrative Nonfiction
· Argumentation Essay
· Text-Dependent Analysis
· Character Analysis Essay
Synergy Grading Breakdown
1st Semester:
· Writing: Non-Fiction Narrative 15% - DCA
· Writing: Argumentation 15% - DCA
2nd Semester:
· Writing: Expository 10%
· Writing: TDA 15% - DCA
· Social Behavior Skills 0%
· Work Study Habits 0%
Period 1- 7th Grade English
Period 2- 8th Grade English
Period 3- Supervision
Period 4- 8th Grade English
Period 5- 7th Grade English
Period 6- 8th Grade English
Teaching Experiece
Teacher at Don Sherrill Education Center- 2014-2016
Teacher at Nuernberger Education Center- 2016- present