Shali Brown

6th grade teacher




Shali Brown

6th grade teacher

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Classroom Information
About Me

1st: 8:00-8:52 Math Intervention

2nd: 8:55-10:03 Diff Math

3rd: 10:04-11:12 Math

4th: 11:13-12:15 Math

6th: 12:15-2:06 Math (lunch during this class)

7th: 2:06-3:00 Plan 

Hello! I am so excited to be teaching with the 6th grade team here at Schoo! I have been teaching at Schoo since 2017. I attended LPS growing up so it is truly a blessing to be able to work for a district that I grew up in!

My passions outside of teaching include traveling and fitness. My husband and I love to travel and go on new adventures together. We have had the opportunity to travel to two countries together so far and plan to travel to many more. Although we love the beach, Colorado will always be our favorite place to adventure to!

One of my favorite parts about teaching is getting to see the uniqueness of each individual student. One of the most important things to me as a teacher is to create a warm classroom environment with a strong sense of community where every student feels welcome. I want every student that walks into my classroom to feel valued. I hope to instill in my students a love for learning and discovering new things in a positive, warm and fun learning environment!

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions!

Professional Experience

I graduated from the University of Nebraska - LIncoln in December of 2016 with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education.