Samone Tate

3rd Grade Teacher  ·  5th Grade Teacher


Samone Tate

3rd Grade Teacher  ·  5th Grade Teacher

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About Me

I am so excited to be teaching 5th grade this year! This is my fifth year teaching at Roper. Before Roper, I was a 5th grade teacher at Eastridge. I love to visit history museums, bake, and spend time with my family. I LOVE Valentino's, root beer, Target, scooters, reading, and hockey. I am so excited to make this the best school year yet!

Professional Experience

This is my sixth year teaching and my fifth year at Roper! Before Roper, I was a 5th grade teacher at Eastridge Elementary School. I also student taught at Eastridge in 4th grade during the Fall 2018 semester. I graduated from the Unversity of Nebraska-Lincoln with a degree in Elementary Education in December 2018.